Scholarship Seminar

*Brittany is no longer consulting. If that changes in the future and you would like to be contacted in that event, you can fill out the form for the Interest List                         by clicking here



The seminar is the heart of Unlock your Future. The UYF Seminar is approximately 65 minutes in length and outlines a comprehensive step-by-step program for navigating the scholarship process.  While available for presentations during the school day, the seminar often takes place in the evening with an audience of students, parents and educators. Brittany has been touring the seminar for over 19 years. From small workshops to full auditoriums, Brittany has presented to audiences of all sizes and is comfortable in any setting. Her expertise is matched by her energy. Brittany is known as an engaging and dynamic presenter who captures and maintains her audience's interest while simplifying the complex process of applying for scholarships.

Previous clients have included secondary schools, conferences, youth groups, charities, community organizations, athletic associations and more: a sample of schools and organizations where Brittany has presented is available here. The seminar package also includes the creation of digital promotional material for the event, a door prize and a hand out that accompanies the seminar.

If you would like more information or are interested in hosting the Unlock your Future Scholarship Seminar, contact Brittany to receive the digital seminar information package which outlines everything included with the presentation as well as the fee. 

Sample of topics covered:

  • Scholarships, bursaries and awards: definitions and differences
  • How to conquer common scholarship fears
  • Entrance versus external scholarships 
  • Major themes: qualities committees look for in a scholarship candidate 
  • Early planning strategies for younger students
  • Step by step program for navigating the scholarship process
  • Volunteering & leadership opportunities:where to find them & how to create your own
  • Initiate and Create: how to transform your passion into a project
  • Scholarship organization system
  • How to build your scholarship foundation
  • Time management
  • Where to find scholarships
  • Applications: features and how to approach them
  • How to write a powerful and memorable scholarship essay 
  • How to craft a strong personal statement
  • Brittany’s journey through the process

Our Services

Visit our Testimonials page to read what others are saying about Unlock your Future services!

Unlock your Future is an award-winning business that empowers students to pursue their academic goals while offering them the tools to help fund those dreams. 

*Services are only available online through virtual platforms.

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